Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Weekend of 5th/6th September

Not a full weekend really as the treatment is carried out on Saturday this week, in an attempt to catch up from the scheduled maintenance day last  Monday.  We were given a pass yesterday to ensure we could get into the site, as it would be closed compared to a normal weekday.  It felt quite strange being there without all the normal people milling around. 

The rest of the day was pretty average.  There was a local run being held in Bad Zurzach so we went to watch that.  Various different age categories and some sort of relay race.  All good fun and community minded. 

On Sunday we took a late walk along the promenade by the Zurichsee (the lake) in Zurich.  Didn't have quite enough time for a boat trip before needing to drop Sam and Kyle back at the airport, but both boys seemed quite happy to look at the boats, and take it easy.  Zurich is quite unusual really.  The perception is that of a capital city (although Bern holds that title, and holds the governmental buildings) but the size of it, the amount of traffic and number of people is much more provincial than in other european cities.  Mind you, I think I read somewhere the population of Switzerland is only 7 million.

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