Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Monday 7th September

Groundhog Day again.  Only difference is that I'm on my own again this week, which means I get to read a book while Toby is having his treatment.  The second book since I've been out here and the second in as many years.

We head back to the flat, and although there is the intention to get out on the bike for some fresh air, Toby seems happy to remain at the flat and sit for a while (with the Chuggington website on naturally!).  We eventually head out, to take some bottles back that are on "Pfand" (deposit).  You may remember we did this in England years ago...I can certainly remember as a young child, returning empty lemonade bottles and getting 10p back which I was then allowed to spend on sweet.

Toby was a winner as although he didn't get the Pfand, he did get a lolly from the lady behind the counter.  She asked what was the matter with his eye and the red face and bless her, got more than she bargained for when I then had to explain it wasn't sunburn as she had thought! 

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