Mon 20th July 2009
Thought we´d note down some stuff about the pre-visit for those who are interested.We arrived at the treatment centre (Paul Scherrer Institut - PSI) about 20 miles north west of Zurich, promptly this morning. The radio-oncologist was very nice, spoke good English, but was happy that we could understand German too for some parts that he found difficult. So far any concerns about Swiss German being harder to understand than German, seem unfounded. In fact, the Swiss speak far slower than the Germans! Nevertheless some new vocab has been added to the memory bank. No medical terms or anything useful of course...among others, the word for ´ice cubes´, (Eiswürfel for anyone interested!) as Sam is determined he has to have this in any drink he is currently offered!
The doctor spent what felt like ages with us, and went through the background of how we noticed the mark under Toby´s eye, right through to the exact medication he is currently on. We then met the lead consultant and the anaesthetist, as well as seeing the rooms where Toby will have his daily anaesthetic for treatment and the recovery room.
Tomorrow morning is the visit to the ´Kinderspital´ (Children´s Hospital) in central Zurich, to meet the team for the continued oncology support and care while we are in Switzerland. In the afternoon, it is back to the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) for Toby to have a general anesthetic, in order for them to make a full body mould. This is to allow the correct positioning of Toby during his treatment sessions. They will also make a ´bite block´ for his mouth to also aid correct positioning. The procedure is likely to last 2-3 hours, and they will need to interbate, as Toby´s airways will likely be restricted while the bite block is being made.
A day of mixed emotions really, as this is something we´ve spent so long trying to secure, and yet remains something we´d rather not do. The list of potential side effects remains downright depressing. We quickly remind ourselves that this is better than it would have been...
Sam was thoroughly bored of being at the PSI within the 2 hours that we were there. We thought him accompanying us on this visit might be useful for him to realise it won´t be a holiday, and that seems to have done the trick! Toby came across as a totally normal active little boy - running around and more interested in whizzing round on a swivel chair than sitting still!
We did however manage to find a park this afternoon for them both, alongside a rather random Energy exhibition (totally empty, free entrance, right next to the hotel) where they could learn about solar panels among other things. Some construction that looked like a piece of artwork to me, also kept them intersted as they pinged the balls along some channels...something that Kyle assured me was demonstrating Keppler´s law (some physics thing!!).Boys are now fast asleep in bed as I sit here and write this, and Kyle is preparing for a course he´s on on when back at work on Wednesday.
p.s. Weather been beautiful. Sunny with little in the way of cloud, and about 25 degrees. Long may that continue!
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